
a community-focused approach to fight the opioid epidemic and save lives 

Focus Areas


We help to make resources related to opioid use disorder and overdoses more available to the public through chapters across diverse cities.


We assemble and distribute Narcan kits to students, universities, businesses, homeless shelters, and other organizations throughout the nation.


We help educate people about the importance of overdose prevention by hosting workshops, conducting research, and sharing resources.

Our Mission


We aim to prevent overdose deaths throughout the United States by focusing on greater accessibility of both medication and education 

Public Health

The opioid epidemic is the largest public health crisis that the United States has faced in its recent history. We aim to combat this head on by working with public health agencies and officials.


Our workshops and training sessions will help individuals administer Narcan appropriately 


We actively seek out organizations that require the resources to prevent overdose deaths, especially among vulnerable populations, such as the unhoused, individuals with addiction and mental health disorders, and youth populations